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OWAconsult collection
Baffles arranged in round, cloud-like shapes. Attractive optical effects can be created using height-offset, inter-penetrating baffles. Cloud enables dynamic designs under ceilings with integrated systems while also optimizing acoustics. The optional Cloud LED lighting package brings atmospheric lighting effects into rooms.
CE: Products bearing the CE mark are tested and manufactured in accordance with European regulations. Defined health, safety and environmental protection objectives are met.
RAL: The RAL quality mark guarantees the biosolubility of mineral wool in accordance with EU law.
Organic Binder: For more than 25 years, OWA has been producing mineral ceiling elements in compliance with the highest quality standards and using plant-based binders - so-called organic binders.
OWA green circle: All OWA mineral ceilings from the OWAlifetime collection that were produced after 1 October 1997 are 100% recyclable. They can be fed into the OWA green circle, the company's own recycling system.
Recyclability: Indicates whether products can be reused.
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