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OWAlux white
OWAcoustic premium
OWAlux white meets the highest standards of cleanliness and hygiene. by having smooth, foil-laminated surfaces which largely prevent dirt and bacteria residues. The tiles are especially advantageous by being highly resistant and easy to clean. They are highly suited for use in hospitals, laboratories, sterile and hygienic spaces as well as in the food industry.
* Resistance to fire, linear sound insulation and sound absorption depending on size, system, ceiling slab and other additional measures as well as availability in the respective market. Further versions on request. If you have any questions about your individual project, we will be happy to help you.
Seals and certifications
CE: Products bearing the CE mark are tested and manufactured in accordance with European regulations. Defined health, safety and environmental protection objectives are met.
RAL: The RAL quality mark guarantees the biosolubility of mineral wool in accordance with EU law.
Organic Binder: For more than 25 years, OWA has been producing mineral ceiling elements in compliance with the highest quality standards and using plant-based binders - so-called organic binders.
VOC A+: The VOC emission class categorises products based on their emission level of volatile organic compounds and indicates their impact on indoor air quality. Class A stands for very low emission.
Green Label Singapore: Government environmental certification that recognises products and services that meet certain environmental standards and at the same time promote health.
Green Tag: A rating system that assesses products according to their environmental friendliness and provides transparent information about their ecological footprint based on various criteria.
HPD: Standardized format for the disclosure of product contents and their potential health effects throughout the entire life cycle.
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